As the highest partner tier, you will be given the following:
Social: 1. A minimum of two (2) social platform highlights a year. One of these highlights you may request us to place advertising dollars behind. Social highlights can be requested to be published based on a preferred month or event where promotion is desired. If no request is made at the beginning (January) or mid-year (July,) then it will be up to the discretion of MSCA Executive Director to place in queue accordingly. 2. Twenty (20) photos taken yearly to use in promotions, potential Florida Main Street recognitions & awards, and other advertisements used throughout the county/community and website. These twenty (20) photos may be used across MSCA social platforms as well.
Website: 1. Designated partners will have a set dedicated page on the website that links to company's business page. Individual MSCA member, not affiliated with a business, may present, to MSCA Executive Director, a proposal linking to another 501c3. 2. A listing in the MSCA general directory and Walkable Downtown Map (if applicable.)
Events: 1. Logos/Names will be placed on the yearly dedicated event banners. The banner year will begin in July with the 4th Celebration & Party in the Park and will end in June the following year. This banner will highlight Designated Partners only and be placed out at all events that MSCA hosts or takes part in. One banner will always be placed at the MSCA tent and the secondary banner will be placed in a highly traffic and visible location of a hosted MSCA event. 2. One (1) parking spot will be designated at any event the business or individual has registered as a vendor at. 3. Notified first of event vendor registration before opening to the public & if event allows, input in vendor spot location. 4. A $10-$15 discount, depending on event, applied to any vendor event application.
Other: Assistance with designing two (2) graphics, flyers, or banners used for publicity in promoting and encouraging individuals to visit your business and in return driving traffic to downtown Crestview.
MSCA Swag Bag